angel number 1155

Angel Number 1155

Change is the only constant in life. It might appear scary, but it is what keeps us evolving. If you see angel number 1155 recurrently in your life, change is headed your way. And your guardian angels are looking over your shoulder, making sure that you are able to navigate these deviations with confidence and cheerfulness.

Are you wondering how to figure out whether you are actually receiving signs from your angels? Or could the glimpses of angel number 1155 be just another coincidence?

This is not an improbable question since few can decipher the messages sent by our winged guardians. So, first you will have to understand why and how they send out these communiques to us.

Understanding Angel Numbers

Unlike humans, angels operate in the spiritual realm where concepts of time, space or physical presence do not hold merit. Hence, they cannot just manifest their celestial forms before us or whisper words of guidance and caution to us.

Instead, these lofty spiritual beings communicate through subtle gestures that can translate their high level of energy vibrations, for instance numbers. Christian theologian, St. Augustine of Hippo famously stated that \”Numbers are the universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmation of the truth.”

However, not any number can be classified as an angel number. To fit this bill, it should appear to you repeatedly over a period of time.

For instance, you wake up at 11.55pm because you are worried about a presentation to be submitted the next day to your boss, but drift off gradually to sleep. The next morning, you turn on the TV, and the first news is that stock prices of a mutual fund that you invested in almost a year ago has gone up by $11.55.

At work, you learn that your organization is considering shifting offices to 1155 Avenue of the Americas in New York. Your son calls you at 11.55am and asks you pick up \’Marvel Avengers: The Ultimate Character Guide\’ from the bookstore on your way home. You order in a roast beef hoagie for lunch and the bill comes to $11.55. Moreover, the comic book that you pick up for your son also costs $11.55!

Would you still dismiss seeing angel number 1155 as a coincidence? Or do you agree that your spiritual guardians are sending you a cryptic message?

Angel Number 1155’s Significance In Numerology

If you are seeing angel number 1155 repeatedly, your celestial protectors could be sending a signal your life is ready to undergo a major change. And they want you to prepare for it.

According to numerologists, the number ‘1’ denotes new beginnings and transformation. Carrying the vibrations of victory, persistence, positivity and self-attainment, it reveals that we can chart our destinies with our thoughts, words and actions. All of these are critical when it comes to making a fresh start.

Number 5 represents major changes and is marked by vibrations of impulsiveness, freedom and knowledge. These attributes are critical when one has to take vital life decisions and employ lessons that one has learned through experience.

Angel number 1155 is a combination of the attributes of number 1 and 5. The dual appearance of these two prime numbers magnifies its positive energies. The vibrations of the doubled number 1 and 5 indicate that the imminent changes present major opportunities. These can result in wealth, progress, and emotional gratification.

Incidentally, the meaning of angel number 1155 may also depend on angel number 3. If you are wondering how it is possible, let us explain it better.

Some numerologists also point out that angel number 1155 encompasses the characteristics of number 3. Here’s how. When you total 1+1+5+5, you get 12 and if you add 1+2, the result is 3. Angel number 3 denotes creativity, inspiration and growth, which are harbingers of success.

However, achieving this triumph need not come at the price of sacrificing one’s personal freedom. By showing you angel number 1155, your guardian spirits are indicating that you can enjoy these fruits on your own free will, while trying to attain your life’s mission.

Number 1155 – What Does It Mean? 

Did you know that psychologists actually have a term for the fear of change? It is called Metathesiophobia. Those suffering from it believe they lack control over their own lives owing to constant changes. Thus, they constantly dwell on their past and end up fretful. Feeling anxious because of change is normal amongst human beings, especially if its causes major upheaval in their lives. However, it is important to move forward to achieve anything in life – which is exactly what your guardian angels are signalling with angel number 1155.

When your guardian angels send you angel number 1155, they want reassure you that during these changes, you need to adhere to your beliefs and principles. There might be instances where others will try to influence or hamper your decision. But you need to be better clued in to your heart’s calling and stick to your decisions, without letting others influence your judgment.

Tap into your instinct to understand what your final decision should be. Also, judiciously weigh every pro and con while looking at the new opportunities, without being encumbered by change it will herald.

With the sighting of angel number 1155, your angels want to reassure you that they will be around to help you navigate the major changes looming on your life’s horizon. Just remember them in your prayers and thank them for their protective presence. They will always shield you from the vagaries of life.

Seeing Angel Number 1155 Repeatedly? Here\’s Why

Angel number 1155 symbolizes changes, hope, progress and freedom. This can mean that your life required these elements for your wellbeing, and to help you reach your spiritual goals. And perhaps you were not even aware about it!

Maybe your career choices resulted in you taking up a job where you are dissatisfied. However, you have made your peace with this status though you are not very happy. The sighting of angel number 1155 could mean that a change is likely in your career path, which will bring more job gratification and fulfillment.

Similarly, there might be a relationship – with your friend, family member or amongst your peer circle – that is wearing you down.

You continue with it because it has been around for a while and you have gotten used to it. Your guardian angels could be signaling that you need to move on from this relationship to evolve as an individual.

Your angels also want to indicate that they will be stay with you through these changes as you walk down the path of personal, professional and spiritual enlightenment. Just reach out to them and they will extend the support you need through this journey of change.

With their guidance, be prepared to welcome a new phase of abundance and success in your life, as long as you embrace the change with willingness and optimism. Whenever you reach out to them, your spirit friends will send you positive thoughts that will help you rid your life of negativity and toxicity.

What Angel Number 1155 Means In Love

Only happy people understand love. And unhappy people sometimes realize that love could be the reason for their discontent. While everyone wants to live happily ever after, it is amazingly difficult to find love and joy. There is no rulebook on what to do to stay in love happily and often people find themselves in a loveless and luckless relationship. Some keep searching for their soulmate but do not know where to look. However, if you see angel number 1155, then your love life could just get the jumpstart it needed.

Angel number 1155 signifies change and transformation. So, if you find that you have been trying to meet your soulmate unsuccessfully through a series of blind dates, then things are about to change. What’s more, angel number 1155 symbolizes hope, so if you are in a serious relationship it might indicate that things are ready to move to the next level.

When it comes to love, people with angel number 1155 prefer stability to adventures in their relationships. So, while choosing their partner, they will look at things from a long-term perspective in a bid to find happiness.

These folks will invest themselves immensely into the relationship – be it physically, emotionally or spiritually – and are likely to be very faithful to their companion. They will seek people with the same core values that they imbibe for a fruitful and long-lasting relationship, with minimal reasons for strife.

What Angel Number 1155 Means Spiritually

Spirituality is our best recourse during hardship, which is where we end up when we are stagnating due to lack of change in our life. When we see angel number 1155 in our life, it means that our spiritual life too needs a reboot.

Sometimes, difficulties in life can leave us bitter and depressed. By sending us angel number 1155, our guardian spirits are communicating to us that we need to adapt a positive approach towards life, even when change is underway. An optimistic attitude goes a long way in alleviating worry and dealing with challenges.

Like they say, a frown is a smile placed upside down. So, just reverse it and get rid of your life’s negativity when you see angel number 1155. Your winged custodians are signaling to you that while the new opportunities might present challenges, you need to handle it with confidence and with your chin up.

This positivity will earn you respect and applause, and a better chance at success. The more you remind yourself that your guardian angels are looking after you, the better you will be able to concentrate on the task at hand with a affirmative attitude.


Interesting Facts About Number 1155

Angel number 1155 has some interesting facts, some of which we are sure you unaware of. Many of these underline change, transformation, opportunities and growth.

Mongolian warrior-ruler Genghis Khan was reportedly born in AD 1155. Though born to a Borjigin king, his childhood was spent in poverty due to circumstances. He later united the distributed tribes of Mongolia into a single nation and extended his empire across Asia to the Adriatic Sea, becoming one of the most famous conquerors in history.

Medieval English chronicler and bishop of St. Asaph, Geoffrey of Monmouth, wrote the famous ‘Historia regum Britanniae’ or History of the Kings. He is credited with bringing forth the figure of King Arthur and his legends into European literature. When he died in 1155, Wace of Jersey adapted the tome as ‘Li Romanz de Brut’, spreading its reaching across the continent.

Amalric II, who was born on 1155 was the king of Cyprus and of Jerusalem. He went down in history as a monarch who ruled the two separated kingdoms ably and justly, despite their contentious history.

What To Do When You See Angel Number 1155

If you are seeing angel number 1155 regularly, be cheerful. It means that your guardians want you to prepare for some momentous changes and ready to make the right decisions.

However, you are the captain of your life’s ship and only you can steer it in the correct direction. When you see angel number 1155, thank your guardian angels and then think about the areas in your life where change is needed. Even if you are unnerved, formulate a positive plan of action on how you will achieve this goal, keeping your overall mission for self-attainment in perspective. Positivity is the key that unlocks many a tough lock.

While you might harbor some fear about the unknown changes that will envelope your life after you take your decision, place your trust in your guardian angels. They will also ensure that these changes will have advantageous outcomes in the long-term, even if you are unable to deduce it immediately.

Have faith in their protection and guidance and stay positive and optimistic. And soon, all your wishes will be fulfilled.

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